Welcoming a New Puppy into Your Home

By: Jane Saeman

When your new puppy first comes into a house, he needs to learn that this is his new space. Put him on a leash and walk him through the whole house. This is a time to show him everything, but also use the leash to limit access to areas you don't want him getting into such as furniture, closets and the kids' toy box.

You should not say 'no'. Since the puppy has not learned his name yet, he may start to think that is what you are calling him. Instead, let him know your displeasure by using a low voice to issue a "Yack!" sound, while doing a mild tug on the leash every time he sniffs something he is not supposed to touch. Repeat this action. As he moves away from them, you can pet him, say "good dog", and continue through the house.

The puppy understands the growl sound, and knows that it means he needs to stay away from something when you growl as he approaches it. It is important to let him sniff the item for a second before growling, so he recognizes what item it is he is to avoid. Dogs remember things by what they smell like, not what they look like. A new puppy will not pick up words, other than his name, but he will understand the growl means not to touch.

Other words puppies will learn are those that relate to things they want. If you say 'dinner time' every time you get food for the dog, eventually each time he hears that phrase, he will expect a meal. The best way to teach a dog words, is to make sure you constantly use the same ones, and that they are short and easy to learn.

While this first visit through the house is teaching your puppy a lot of things about his new home, he is also learning about your relationship. Since you are in charge, growling as needed, and holding the leash, he will start to understand that you are in control. This is every important. If you do not take on this role, the puppy will try to be in charge and that could lead to very negative behavior in your home.

Now it's time to show your dog important things such as where he will find food and water, his crate, where you want him to go to the bathroom outside. The way to do this is to take him to the spot and stand there until he goes. Once he does, praise him for it. Then you can offer a tour of the rest of the yard. If there are things he needs to avoid outside, like plants, you can teach him they are off limits. If you live in a city, you need to get him used to it. Go to a quiet area, and let him listen for a while. Don't walk him around; just let him hear things from a safe point. Don't let him wander in the city until his shots are up to date.

Note: if it took more than an hour to get your pup home from where you bought him, you should do the yard tour first so he can go to the bathroom.

Article Source: http://www.article.e-booksdownload.com

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