Dog Diarrhea Symptoms and Causes

Dog diarrhea is one of the more common of conditions in the dog world and in the human world alike; the reason for this is because there are so many causes of diarrhea. It can be a dreadful condition for your dog to have and causes a lot of unwanted aggravation for the canine involved as well as increasing the risk of having unwanted accidents on carpets and furniture around the house.

There can be many causes for diarrhea but the most common is due to intolerances to a particular food, this is normally because of a change in diet or the dog having a particular food that they have not had before. Diarrhea can also be caused by other conditions like objects stuck in the digestive system or several other conditions derived or caused by problems in the digestive system of the dog.

The symptoms of this can be many things but diarrhea is normally coupled with your dog vomiting or retching this is because the digestive system of the dog begins at the mouth and ends at the anus as you might think, if the problem causing the diarrhea is in the stomach or upper intestines then the effects may be vomiting as well as or without diarrhea. This coincidently also acts as a way of finding the condition to help the vet. And if the problem is in the lower intestines then the symptoms will most probably be diarrhea only, but there may be other causes and this is not a confirmation to the vet that the problem is in the lower part of the digestive system.

From this situation there are many different ways that may work to improve and cure the health problems and diarrhea that your dog may be feeling. The first that is usually performed by the veterinarian in question is changing the dog's diet so that no food is given to the dog for at least twenty four hours so the body has enough time to clear all the offending substances within so the dog's body can return to normal. After this the dog should then be put on a very bland diet of and put gradually onto a more flavoured diet to avoid the same problem again.

All the information in this article is only a guideline as you may have guessed and if your dog is having serious diarrhea the vet should be contacted for a proper check-up and diagnosis of he condition in hand.

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For more information on Dog Diarrhea or Dog Health take a look at this Dog Training website.

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