Human Food For Your Golden Retriever

By: Peter Finch

Now that you have got your golden retriever home, it is important to pay enormous attention to his daily needs. Diet is very important for the health of your golden retriever.

Well, we would all feed our favorite pets dog food, but even pets can prefer variety in their platter. And it is not a bad idea to opt for human food for your golden retriever.

Golden retrievers, or any pets for that matter, love attention showered on them. So, if you are having a sumptuous dinner and your dog is salivating next to you, it is not a bad idea to make him sample some food.

Many a times, golden retrievers communicate in an interesting manner. If your pet expresses excessive fondness with the refrigerator, he may be communicating his interest in some particular food that is stored in the refrigerator.

As we all know dogs have a great sense of smell, and it would not be easy to hide a delicious food item from him. Human food, when served with a little caution may actually be good for the golden retriever. However, it would not be a wise idea to feed him table scraps. That way, you would be spoiling your pet.

Of course, you would have to make a conscious choice of what is appropriate and what is not for your dog. Human foods may or may not be suitable for it. Here are some may - have and should - not - have human food for your golden retriever -

"May Have" human food for your golden retriever:

Most of these food groups are beneficial for us, but the golden retriever may just benefit from and enjoy them. They would provide the appropriate nutrients along with the variety that your pet would like-

- Brown Rice ; Rich in fiber content, they are good for your golden retriever.
- Chicken/ Egg yolk/egg shells/ raw eggs. Rich in protein, this human food is also good for them
- Raw Vegetables
- Turkey. You need to exercise caution with this. If the strips are too hard, your pet can choke on it.
- Oatmeal
- Fruits. With the exception of grapes and raisins.

"Should Not Have" human food for your golden retriever;

- Egg Whites; This usually results in biotin deficiency (Vitamin B) due to the presence of avidin. Hence avoiding egg whites is best.
- Onions and garlic
- Chocolates. Bromine in chocolates can lead to toxicity in dogs and cats. Even if you opt for the un-sweetened variety, you may not be doing your golden retriever any good. Hence it is best to avoid chocolates completely.

It is better to always consult a veterinarian. Your vet may be right person to recommend the right diet. He will also be able to suggest what foods should be avoided. It may not be very wise to experiment with human food, unless you are sure about the effect of the same.

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