How Do Dogs Get Hookworms

Author: Natalie Williams

Dogs are susceptible to be parasite central at times. They are the main host for heartworms, a parasite that infects cats and even humans. Fleas and ticks adore them and they are a hot spot for hookworms it seems. Dogs can easily get hookworms and they aren't as instantly destructive to your pet's health as other types of parasites, but it is important to spot and cure hookworms as soon as you can or your dog could end up suffering and costing you a great deal of money in veterinary bills in the long run.

What are Hookworms?

Hookworms are tiny, worm-like parasites that live within dogs and feed off of them - just like a heartworm. The fact that hookworms and heartworms are parasites that live within dogs is just about where the resemblance ends, because they do not look alike and they reside in completely different areas of the dog's body. Hookworms get their name from the small hook-like instrument on their head that they use to dig into the wall of a dog's intestinal tract - it helps to keep them there. They suck blood from the walls of the intestines and have been known to cause serious anemic problems in young dogs. In most cases hookworms are a puppy problem, but they can develop in adult dogs as well.

How do Dogs Get Hookworms?

Hookworms can be transferred to dogs through a couple of methods. The main causes of hookworms for dogs are through the mother's milk when nursing, through the top layer of their skin, through the mouth and even through the placenta before the puppy was born. It is a rather natural thing that many puppies experience and for vets, deworming young dogs is a typical practice and is recommended for all newborn puppies whether they are known to be infected or not. The younger the dog is the more susceptible to hookworm-related anemia they are, so it is important to get them cured as soon as possible.

The Trouble with Hookworms

Anemia is the main problem that puppies experience as a result of hookworm infection. This is due to the fact that the hookworms lodge themselves on the dog's intestinal walls and suck as much blood as they can, procreate and suck more blood. If you were losing that much blood, you would be infected too! One female hookworm can lay thousands upon thousands of eggs daily, so the problem of hookworms is practically unimaginable to halt or contain without professional or medical assistance. Sometimes, when a large number of eggs are present it is possible to spot the infection through an inspection of a puppies' stool, but not all the time.

Treating Hookworms in Your Dog

Fortunately for you and your dog, hookworms are quite easily cured. Most often an oral medication is all that is needed to cure the problem, but a follow up treatment a few weeks later to kill any remnants that may have hatched. Your veterinarian may even have a dewormer that tastes great, so your dog will eat it up like a treat. This is one of the uncomplicated pet related problems to treat and it is relatively common and if detected early, hookworms can be a thing of the past.

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