Today, you can find many types of outdoor doghouses available in pet stores such as wooden doghouses, cedar wood doghouses and even igloo dog houses with heaters.
If you have a large sized dog, it would be best to keep it outdoors. However, before you do that, you need a shelter for your dog. Dog houses protect your pet from the wind, sun and cold winters. What type of doghouse you need depends a lot on your needs and your budget, so do a bit of thinking before buying one.
Traditionally, most doghouses come with a triangular roof which looks like a small hut. The most common material used is mostly wood which is practical although nowadays, you can choose different types of wood for your dog house such as cedarwood.
If you decide on building your own outdoor doghouse, I found several simple dog house plans online that are practical and shouldn’t require too much time and money. Alternatively, you can visit the bookstore or Amazon to buy doghouse plans.
However, most people would prefer to buy pre-built wooden doghouses since it takes some time to build one yourself. Most pet retailers carry dog houses that are made from different materials such as plastic or foam.
Petco also sells high tech doghouses which provide insulation from cold winters as well as dog house air conditioners to keep your pet cool during the summer months. Of course the price is in the high range.
Since dogs are social animals and loved to be near their owners, it would be best to place your doghouse at the front or at the side of your house rather than at the back. If not, you might find your dog not wanting to sleep in the doghouse.
Also, make sure to keep the areas surrounding the doghouse clean. Nobody likes to sleep in a dirty home and that includes your dog as well.
Author: Ricky Lim
Outdoor Dog Houses – Build Your Own Doghouse or Buy Pre-built Dog House
posted by
10/30/2008 10:31:00 AM
labels: dog house
Dogs and Fences
If you have ever owned a dog, you know that these animals are smart. They are also scavengers that are used to roaming across open land, searching for food. They are also used to being able to go after what they want, when they want. No matter what age you took your dog in, freedom is an instinct, and these dogs will learn ways to achieve it.
Dogs may learn to escape for a variety of reasons. These reasons include:
1) Separation Anxiety
2) Boredom
3) Fear
4) Sexual Desire
5) Something Catches Their Eye
And although a dog may believe it wants to escape, a free dog is a dog in danger. Cars, people, other dogs, dangerous foods - all of these can put your dog at risk for injury and possibly death. Even something as simple as a movement by a biker or a jogger can cause your dog to wander off. The only way to ensure that your dog will not escape is to keep it on a leash or watch it behind a safe, inspected fence, free of holes or other ways your dog can escape. However, if you do not have time or cannot afford to fix your fence, there are a few methods you can employ.
• Take your dog for long walks. A tired dog will have lost the instinct to roam, so it will have much less of a desire to make its escape.
• Give your dog plenty of toys so that it has enough to do in your yard or home and doesn't have as much of a desire to pursue other interests.
• Be present - you do not necessarily have to constantly watch your dog, but if you are outside with it or in an area where your dog can get to you, it will be less likely to search for attention in other places.
• Have your pet spayed or neutered. In addition to becoming sexually active, un-neutered dogs can become aggressive. Unless you are planning on breeding your pet, you should always have it spayed or neutered. Some owners think this is cruel, but many dogs, especially male dogs, tend to lead much healthier lives after the surgery.
• Add wires underneath the ground if your dog digs, so that it cannot dig under the fence.
• Make sure your fence is in perfect condition, with no holes that your dog can slip through and is high enough that your dog cannot jump over it. Some dogs jump higher than even they lead you to believe, so make sure your fence is as tall as you can afford.
Also, unless there are some sort of aggression issues, never chain your dog up. It is cruel to not at least allow your dog to wander your home or yard.
Finally, never punish your dog if it does escape. A punishment could tell your dog that the next time it shouldn't come back.
As long as dogs are not allowed to roam the streets alone, there will always be dogs escaping from their owners. But if you keep your dog's safety in mind, you can prevent any unfortunate accidents.
Healthy Dogs enjoy Dog Treats and Bully Sticks from
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4/24/2008 10:08:00 AM
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labels: Dog Supply
Poodle Puppies - Finding A Breeder
The Poodle is a great breed of dog and definitely one that anyone considering a dog should think about. There are many wonderful things about the Poodle, such as that they are kind, loving and gentle. They make great family pets, as they are even good around young children. There are a few things that one should consider before getting a Poodle however, such as the fact that they need a lot of care and attention.
These are very patient dogs but they will get frustrated and angry if they are left alone for an extended period of time, and they will react to this by lashing out. They will bark for hours on end and chew destructively if left alone even for just a few hours. It is also important for anyone considering getting a Poodle to make sure that they find a good breeder, and not a mass breeder.
When it comes to the matter of finding a breeder with Poodles for sale, more than anything it is important to make sure that they are a good breeder and not a mass breeder, who is someone that is only in it for the money. This is very important because mass breeders are breeders who are not going to treat the dogs properly and as a result they are going to have behavioral problems.
Some of these behavioral problems will be very difficult or possibly even impossible to get rid of, so make sure that the breeder has healthy and happy dogs. They should be able to provide you with the proper paperwork, which will prove that they are a legitimate and respected breeder, one that a person can feel safe buying a puppy from. They should also be more than willing and able to answer any questions that any buyer may have, and provide any information that any would be dog owner is looking for.
Of all the different resources available to help one find Poodles for sale the Internet is by far one of the very best. With the Internet a person is able to browse through hundreds of different companies in as little as a matter of minutes, thereby being able to get the information that they are looking for quickly and easily.
It is also very important to check the puppies out before buying them, and whether this means checking them with a veterinarian or not, the purpose here is to make sure that they have been treated well and that they are going to grow up properly and well behaved. This is particularly important because the behavior and personality that dogs learn while they are young is really what they are going to be like for the rest of their life. You can tell that the puppies have been well cared for if they are happy and energetic, rather than gloomy and tired looking.
Lisa Collins has spent years researching the history of the Poodle breed. The Poodle has a long and rich history. By studying Poodle information you can understand why they are such a popular breed today.
posted by
4/24/2008 10:07:00 AM
labels: Dog Breeds
Healthiest Dog Food is Home Made
Nature never intended for pets to eat dry food resembling compressed sawdust. This convenience is paid for in reduced pet health. Where is it written that your pet's food bowl has to be filled with chalk dry nuggets of quasi-nutritious ground up brown stuff? We've been sold on a bad idea because it makes our lives easier.
With the advent of instant information, and the ease of research on the internet we can easily find out about the practices of the commercial dog food manufacturers. Some of these practices are downright sickening, others just plain dangerous to the health of our pets. Headlines and recalls about food that is tainted and contaminated have become the norm. Commercial dog food certainly does not seem to be the nutritious, healthy diet that we have been led to believe.
Did you know commercial dog food has to be enhanced with sprayed on fat and flavors to cover up the chemical taste, to be even remotely attractive to your pet. Without this palatability modification, I don't think the kibble would ever get eaten.
Sometimes sugar is used in the form of cane, molasses or corn syrup to hook your pet. That way when he/she dives into to food bowl we feel a sense of satisfaction. They love it we think because they can't get enough. This then translates into it must be good for them, but of course it is not. Obviously processed sugars are unnecessary and foreign to animals, and just like us, can cause tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity.
The newest alternative that has become mainstream for our pampered pets is finding all natural, organic dog food, made with fresh human grade ingredients. They are available, and are easy to find if you invest some time to investigate. Alternately, you can make your own healthy pet food. I make mine in bulk and freeze the appropriate meal size portions. Always keep in mind your pets nutritional needs, and check with your vet first.
Dogs need specific amounts of meat, starch, and vegetables daily, as well as vitamins and supplements to maintain optimum health. They need to be slowly changed over to any new diet by slowly introducing the new food, and making sure it is properly tolerated. Any number of recipes are available through the internet, your vet, your local pet store, or even the old fashioned way, by going to the library. Once you have the knowledge you will not want to return to the unhealthy diet that has become the easy way out.
We have been led to believe that giving your dog a variety is bad for them. This is certainly not true. You will get to know which foods are the favorites. Any animal lover who considers their pet a family member, which in today's society has become trendy, will feel much better about giving a healthy nutritious diet to their beloved pet, and extending their pooches life. Ultimately for our own greed as much as anything, this will give us extra years to share with a loved one. If you are a dedicated pet owner and your pets health and happiness are a priority, then you should consider giving him/her a well balanced, nutritious all natural diet, made by your own loving hands.
posted by
4/08/2008 10:38:00 PM
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labels: Dog Foods
What Does A Dog's Bark Mean?
Why do dogs bark? It is their way of speaking one would say. When they keep you up all night barking and your neighbors come knocking at your door to shut the dog up, what is he trying to say to you? Does the dog bark so that he can annoy the neighbors? Of course not. he does not care what the neighbors are doing. What he cares about is what you are doing? I took a dog test yesterday and I got 3 out of 5 correct. But that is not the point. The point is one question asked why the dog barks. My answer was because he is unsure or insecure about something. Guess what. My answer was correct. Do you ever see your dog barking a lot when he is comfortable in his surroundings, and everyone that he loves is close to him.
Dogs bark because they are unsure of insecure about something. When my daughter got her dog, Kate she was 8 weeks old, and they put her in her cage to sleep at night. She would bark or rather cry a lot.
- This was all new to her
- She was away from her mother and brothers and was scared
- She was content to sleep on my son-in-laws tummy or in my daughter's lap
- She did not bark when she was sitting beside me
- She would bark if we had to put her in the crate, so we could go out
- It sounded like she was stomping her feet and barking at us - saying 'don't leave me here all alone'
- When Kate is with me, she is content if I am downstairs with her. When I have to go up for something, she would look at me and bark. At first she did not know what to do and would cry, so I would pick her up and bring her with me. She was unable to go up the spiral staircase. But there is another set of stairs that she has learned to use. So one day when I was running up for something, she looked at me and barked, and then took off running. She beat me to my bedroom. After that whenever I went up the spiral staircase, she would bark and then take off to the other set of stairs.
- One day, I was preparing for a sermon at church and was very intent on what I was doing, with all my notes around me and my laptop in front. She tried getting around the papers, and even walked all over it to come sit next to me where she was secure. But when she could not get the attention, she growled and barked at me, as if to say, 'have you forgotten me?' She becomes insecure when she is not with her loved ones, and barks at us.
- True, they like to bark at the cars or if anyone is coming to their home. But incessant barking means they are insecure and need to be attended to.
When we were born we felt secure as long as we were in our parents care. In the same way, when you adopt a dog, you become their parents, and it is our duty to keep them secure.
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4/08/2008 10:35:00 PM
labels: Dog Bark
How To Detect Common Illnesses In Dogs
Caring for a dog doesn't merely involve buying a comfy and stylish dog bed, throwing some toys together and stocking up on his favorite foods. Caring for a dog also involves looking after his health, which extends beyond getting him vaccinated in time, and taking him to the vet when he falls ill. As a dog owner it's always advisable that you observe your dog, watch what he eats and look out for little signs that he may be ill.
Look out for these small signs of an illness, and take appropriate measures.
Loss of Appetite
Dogs that are being switched from one type of food to another might refuse food. This is normal, and can be gotten around a little by offering a small amount of his previous food, and thestn decreasing the quantity till he gets used to his new diet. In some dogs however, a loss of an appetite could be the result of some deadly viral infection. Even an intestinal blockage or injury of any sort can cause a dog to skip meals. Before this refusal to eat begins to cause serious problems to his health like dehydration and fatigue, consult a doctor to rule out any major causes. Don't assume it's just a phase and he will grow out of it. Remember to use an elevated dog feeder for a tall dog. Make sure he gets plenty of rest by getting him an orthopedic dog bed for extra cushioning and support.
Diarrhea and Vomiting
Again dogs who are changing foods might suffer from a little diarrhea, and this is a perfectly natural reaction to the change in diet. But if you notice diarrhea or difficulty in passing stools, your dog might have eaten something that didn't agree with him, like garbage. If the diarrhea continues for a couple of days, it can cause dehydration and fatigue. If the diarrhea doesn't stop within a few hours, take the dog to your vet immediately.
If you notice your dog walking with a strange gait, with his back arched up and his stomach distended. He may have what is commonly known as bloat. This condition tends to occur more frequently in dog breeds with longer bodies like Great Danes, German Shepherds and Irish Setters. When smaller sized dogs are fed in elevated bowls, they tend to gulp air in along with food causing this condition. Bloat can be fatal if left untreated, and if you noticed the above symptoms and observe your dog acting anxious and fidgety, take him to a vet immediately.
This author lives in Flemington, NJ with her husband and 5 month old daughter and is an expert contributing author for a luxury dog feeders boutique offering variety of dog beds and orthopedic dog beds.
posted by
4/08/2008 12:16:00 AM
labels: Dog Health
Saint Bernard - Dog Breeds
Saint Bernard dogs began as Swiss herding dogs far back into their ancestry. The Saint Bernard has been created specifically to rescue stranded travelers. This was accomplished by adding Newfoundland blood into the bloodline. Today, the very popular Saint Bernard is the result of that. A Saint Bernard is very gentle and very good with children. This beloved work dog is a popular breed because of its gentility with children. However, this breed is a good watch dog and an even better guard dog. This breed's proven temperament shows true and one could not ask for a better guard than this loyal protector from the Swiss mountains.
Since its original purpose was to rescue travelers, it also is a very good rescue dog and not just in mountainous situations. This breed is very strong and can pull a full grown man up out of the snow. They can be trusted with infants and small children as well as adults. They tend to grow quite large, so a home with a large yard will be ideal for a Saint Bernard. Exercise is a must for this gentle giant. Walking and running are two types of exercise that they enjoy.
Keeping a Saint Bernard fit includes attention to the diet. They are big eaters and the right kind of food is ideal to balance them out. Care must be taken to brush out the coat, so that hair does not get matted or clumped in any way. The coat does shed, so regular brushing of the coat will keep the coat healthy and glossy, while removing all hair that is ready to fall out. This is essential for the comfort of a Saint Bernard. Having a big coat can be very uncomfortable in the summer months, so a haircut is recommended in hotter climates.
Treat them well, and they will lavish all the love and attention that you would want. This breed is also very protective and will not hesitate to bite if someone does something that will hurt them or whoever they are watching or protecting. The loyalty of this breed says a lot about their intelligence. They are a very intelligent breed and can do a bit of thinking beyond the set problem. This breed is known for their good hearts, intelligence and loyalty. Many stranded travelers owe this breed a word of thanks for the many rescues.
posted by
4/08/2008 12:16:00 AM
labels: Dog Breeds
Scottish Terriers - Dog Breeds
Scottish Terriers, or "Scotties" as they are affectionately known are a beautiful breed of terriers that were bred in the Scottish Highlands. These jaunty likeable dogs have a wonderful step and look to them. They are very sensitive, however to any form of correction. These guys love to walk and make excellent apartment dwellers. These guys need exercise and can develop temperament troubles if not being exercised daily. They also do well in a fenced in yard. Play is vital for a happy Scottie to keep happy and healthy. As a puppy, they are boisterous, but as an adult, they become more serious.
These guys come in black, brindle and tan. The black form is the one that is most identified with these lovable terriers. This being said, this breed is solid and is short, with a long wiry coat. Their top coat isn't so wiry. Constant brushing of their coat is necessary to remove buildup of hair in the outer and inner coat. This prevents matted hair and making the terrier miserable in the heat of some places. They do have a temperament of being happy but can snap at people. However, this trait isn't as pronounced as it is with many of the other terrier breeds.
These dogs are good watch dogs and are used as such in a variety of ways. They are also used for fox hunting as well as chasing vermin. This wonderful dog is a spirited and very faithful companion. There are many examples of famous people that own Scotties. George Bush is one that comes to mind. These lovable dogs offer fantastic companionship and friendship. That bond can be broken though with or through mistreatment or harsh attempts to correct them. Bear this in mind when selecting a Scottie for your very own.
They are wonderful indoor dogs as well. These wonderful terriers can become close companions to you and provide a long lasting, lifetime friendship. Feeding and care of your Scottie is essential to a happy, healthy, well behaved dog. Keep all vet appointments and shots to keep your Scottie healthy for long years of companionship. In the end, your relationship with the Scottie is life enriching, long term friendship. You couldn't ask for better in a loyal companion. This also goes for any children that you may have. They also will have a long term companion for as long as they live.
posted by
4/08/2008 12:15:00 AM
labels: Dog Breeds
Reviewing the Safety Of Dog Training Aids Used To Stop Dog Barking
Dogs bark for a variety of different reasons. It's through barking that they are able to communicate and it's up to the dog owners to learn and understand what your dog is trying to say.
One common reason as to why a dog bark's is to warn his/her owners of approaching strangers or if a thief is trying to break into your home. Dogs also bark if they are not comfortable and are apprehensive or even if they are in pain. Sometimes a dog's growl and barking might lead owners to think that their dogs are aggressive and or intimidating. But it could just be that the dog is feeling neglected or bored and is just vying for your attention.
Whatever your dog's needs are, sometimes, persistent barking can be a real pain for you and your neighbors. Sometimes harried neighbors report the dog owners to the cops for disturbing the peace and tranquility of a neighborhood because of their dog's incessant barking. Luckily for you, there are a few things you can try, to train dogs not to bark without reason.
The simple way to control all that barking is to teach your dog when to recognize the appropriate times to bark. The reward/reprimand method works best because it is effective and humane. Some dog owners try and cut short the simple training options that are available and opt using an electronic collar, which is also known as a bark collar. This collar is worn by your dog and is activated whenever your dog starts to bark. It emits a small electrical shock which startles your dog. Eventually, your dog links his barking with pain and the barking halts.
The electronic collar has some drawbacks though. Some dogs simply don't link the pain caused from the electrical shock with the barking so they continue to do it and just build a tolerance to the shocks he receives from the collar. And dogs with a thick coat may not even feel the shock! There are metal prongs on the back of the collar which must be in contact with the skin in order for the shock to be felt. Furry dogs can't feel them if the prongs cannot reach their skin. Besides, there have been few cases where the electronic collar alone cures the barking problem.
Dog collars by itself are not enough and some obedience training is recommended for best results.
My personal opinion is that the electronic dog collar to control barking is mean and cruel. Let me ask you, would you use a collar that transmits electricity to teach your baby to stop crying or if your baby picks up food from the floor and shoves it in his/her mouth? While some say the electricity transmitted is really minute and does not really hurt the dog, I don't think its humane.
Lisa Miles is a dog owner and loves her pet, Rusty. More of Lisa's love towards dogs and her FREE and easily implementable dog training aids tips and ideas can be found at
Before buying expensive and potentially dangerous dog training aids or dog obedience schools, please read Lisa's FREE 10 lesson report which explains the cheapest, fastest and easiest way to train your dog and enjoy a great relationship with your pet.
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4/08/2008 12:14:00 AM
labels: Dog training
Dog Training - The 3 Keys To Successful Dog Training
Not too long ago, I received a call from a friend that wanted to know if he could ask me a few questions. I was expecting the call. I had heard that he had gotten a dog and knew that it was going to be a disaster.
You see, he has had dogs in the past, and for one reason or another he has had to find new homes for all of them. He said that this time was different, that he really wanted to keep the dog and was asking for help.
I believed him and told him that I would help him. I then wrote this article for him.
The 3 Keys To Successful Dog Training
Dog training is really the foundation for having a dog. More dogs end up in shelters, abandoned, euthanized, or given away because of behavior problems than for any other reason. Here are some the three of the most important keys to dog training.
1. Learn to think like your dog. Your dog cannot learn to think like a human but you can learn to think like a dog. When you have a basic understanding of dog behavior you are on your way to developing a great relationship with your dog. The most important thing to remember about dogs is that they are social animals. They need leadership. The better you are at being the leader the better the relationship will be.
2. Exercise. Lack of exercise creates a lot of problems. Dogs spend a lot of time by themselves. Pent up energy leads to a lot of behavior problems. Dogs that are not properly exercised can't be expected to be well-behaved and calm. It is very difficult for the dog to live with us, and it is difficult for us to live with the dog.
3. Positive training methods. Teaching the dog to walk on leash, come when called, and stay are three of the most important commands to teach your dog. Always start by training your dog using positive methods. Using positive methods helps strengthen the bond between you and your dog and you don't run the risk of developing aggressive behavior in your dog. The main reason dogs develop aggressive behavior is due to negative training methods.
By following the three steps explained above you are on your way to having a dog that is a lot of fun to be around.
Eric Letendre the author of The Amazing Dog Training Man invites you to visit for leading edge dog training tips, instructional video clips and articles that will help you train and understand your dog. You can also get free dog training updates with a free Smart Dog Newsletter subscription, available at
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4/08/2008 12:14:00 AM
labels: Dog training
Dog Training - The Biggest Mistake You Can Make With Your Puppy
Is there anything more exciting than getting a new puppy? Everyone is so happy and wants to spend time with the puppy. The puppy then needs to be taught to go outside to pee and poop. The puppy needs to learn that the carpet is not grass. The puppy needs to be taught that chewing on the furniture is not acceptable and most people like their dogs to know at least a few commands like sit, stay, come and walk on leash.
It's at this point that the new puppy owner will seek out some information. They quickly find out that trainers all have their opinions about what is the best way to train. Some of the advice is really good and some of it is really bad.
Some really bad advice is when anyone tells the new puppy owner to keep the pup indoors and to not expose the puppy to much. This is the biggest mistake anyone can ever do with their new puppy. Let me explain why and what you should do.
The best thing you can do for your puppy is socialize it. A puppy has a socialization period that happens right up until about four and half months old. The more your pup is exposed to, the more stable and confident your pup will be as an adult dog.
Most aggression problems are fear based. A lot of dogs that have aggression problems were not properly socialized as puppies. This happens because some "experts" advise keeping the puppy secluded until after four months old.
The socialization period is a window of opportunity that you will never get back. You need to take that time and bring your puppy everywhere with you. Let your puppy play with other puppies, bring your puppy to your friends; bring the puppy to the city, the beach, in the woods. Socialize your puppy as much as you possibly can.
With a lot of socialization your puppy will be a much more stable, confident, happy dog that will be easier to train and live with.
Eric Letendre the author of The Amazing Dog Training Man invites you to visit for leading edge dog training tips, instructional video clips and articles that will help you train and understand your dog. You can also get free dog training updates with a free Smart Dog Newsletter subscription, available at
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4/08/2008 12:13:00 AM
labels: Dog training
Dog Training - The 3 Most Common Mistakes People Make Raising A Puppy
The most crucial time of your dog's life is when she is a puppy. What happens to your dog as a puppy will have lasting effects. Avoid some of the common mistakes that new puppy owners make.
Mistake #1 Waiting : I would have to say that one of the biggest mistakes that I see over and over is waiting. Waiting until the puppy develops a behavior problem. Waiting to socialize the puppy, waiting to train the puppy. For a long time dog owners have been told to wait until the puppy is six months old to do anything. Big mistake.
Solution: Start early. You can start training a puppy as young as eight weeks old. You can prevent problems before they ever start. Always train puppies using positive training techniques.
Mistake #2: Not Socializing: If you do nothing else with your puppy, make sure you start socializing your puppy early. When a puppy is not properly socialized they are more difficult to train and are much more prone to developing problems based on fear. Undersocialized dogs also have a much higher chance of developing aggression problems.
Solution: Socialize your puppy with other puppies, with people other than your own family. Bring your puppy to the beach, the woods, the city, make a quick happy visit to your vet's office, and the groomers. Basically you want to expose your puppy to a lot of different people, places, and other puppies.
Mistake #3: Rewarding the Wrong Behaviors: A lot of puppies develop jumping problems because it has been encouraged since a young age. A lot of puppies are also very mouthy and bite hands and feet because it also has been encouraged. It starts off as cute and then becomes more and more of a problem.
Solution: Keep in mind that the small, cute puppy that is in front of you today may be a 90 lb. big dog within just six or seven months. Keep in mind that if you don't want that 90 lb. dog jumping on you, don't encourage it. Prevent your dog from jumping regardless of how cute she is. If you don't want your dog chomping on your hands and feet all the time, don't encourage it.
When you understand what some of the big mistake are you can take steps to avoid them. Start training today, include the whole family, decide what behaviors you want your puppy to learn. This will make your dog much more fun and enjoyable to be around.
Eric Letendre the author of The Amazing Dog Training Man invites you to visit for leading edge dog training tips, instructional video clips and articles that will help you train and understand your dog. You can also get free dog training updates with a free Smart Dog Newsletter subscription, available at
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4/08/2008 12:12:00 AM
labels: Dog training
Pet Gates for House Safety and Sanitation
Pet dogs are usually considered as part of our family and we also want them to be inside our house. However, there are certain areas in our house that we cannot just let our dog wander around. We also want to limit the rooms and spaces that they can access. Especially if we have a small children or baby in house, you cannot just let our dog near the baby. Dog's hair may cause irritation and allergy to the baby. For sanitation purposes also, we cannot let them in our kitchen and dinning area where we prepare and serve our food. It would be additional work also if we have to constantly clean up their waste and hairs that falls from them.
It is ideal to put pet gates or dog gates inside your house. Pet gates are ideal for small dogs. Cats and large dogs can jump over pet gates unless they are extra tall gates that are designed for them. Pet gates are installed to across an indoor space such as doorway to limit the access of our pet. These pet gates helps you train your dog's limit and restrict their movements without feeling abandoned. Your dogs will be aware of their limit to access on certain areas, especially for puppies that you are trying to train.
There are various types of pet gates or dog gates that will fit the interior design of your house. A free-standing type of dog gate works for dogs that won't be able to push them open to get through. A sliding style can extend to adjust to the size of the hallway or doorway. Pet gates may be made of wood or metal or a combination of both. They may have a metal mesh front or wooden slats. Most indoor gates are designed not to harm your flooring or walls. You can choose the design or style that would suit on the type of your dog and the style of our interiors. With these pet gates, you can ensure the safety of your kids and sanitation of your house.
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4/08/2008 12:12:00 AM
labels: Dog Gates
Histroy of The Rottweiler
Ask any knowledgeable Rottweiler breeder about the history of the breed and chances are you will be told the Rottweiler originates from the Roman drover dogs, dating back to 74AD. Or, you might be told that the modern Rottweiler originates from Germany. No one will argue the fact that Germans did an excellent job in saving the Rottweiler from extinction and developing the first breed standard. If it weren't for the dedication of German breeders preserving this wonderful breed, there would be no rottweilers to talk about today.
On the other hand, there's no consensus with respect to the Roman drover dog connection. This part of the rottie history is at best, educated speculation. The Roman drover dog connection could very well be true but then again there is no way to prove it conclusively. Furthermore, there is another plausible theory about the rottweiler origins that warrants consideration. Around 1928, a book entitled, "German Dogs in Word and Picture" by E. Von Otto Bensheim, talked about a possible Swiss connection concerning the Rottweiler origins.
He believed the rottweiler is connected to the Swiss cowherd dogs that were used to bring cattle down from Switzerland into the town of Rottweil. It was also believed that the Bernese Mountain dog shared some common ancestry. In 1939 a well known expert on the Rottweiler (Hans Korn) wrote about the possibility of the Bullenbeiser dog (ancestor to the Boxer) being introduced to the Rottweiler line. He believed this would account for the broad mouth feature the rottweiler had. The Bullenbeiser also had tiger strips (black stripes on an ash grey background, a colour scheme permitted in the first Rottweiler standard of 1901, which was written 18 years prior in 1883. The Bullenbeiser eventually became extinct by crossbreeding. Like the Rottweiler, the Bullenbeiser was intelligent and also used as a butcher's dog.
A recent DNA project identified 14 ancient breeds as being closest to the wolf. They also report that the Rottweiler is related in heritage and appearance to the Mastiff, Bulldog, Boxer, Bullmastiff, French bulldog, Minature Bull Terrier, Perro do Presa Canario, Newfoundland and Bernese Mountain dog. You could see this report at: Britain Hill: (Genetic Structure of the Purebred Domestic Dog" by Parker et alii in the journal Science [, Volume 304 (May 21, 2004). Needless to say, this report is not without controversy.
This article was written by Richard Laplante at Elswick Rottweilers Elsa & Richard Laplante have been breeding rottweilers for over 25 years.
posted by
4/08/2008 12:11:00 AM
labels: Dog Breeds
Are You Doing All You Can to Help Your Dog?
By: Jean Smith
To help a puppy fit into the family scene he needs to understand there is a daily schedule. This takes into account the times of feeding, exercise, training and outdoor airings. These events begin the bonding process. If there is no schedule a pet can become a pest continually asking for his needs to be met.
A newly adopted dog will be extremely nervous about his new environment until he understands where and when meals are served, where the water dish is located, what is his territory, where does he sleep, and understanding his place of refuge both in the house and outside.
if you do not carefully show your dog how and where to fulfill these basic needs, he will decide for himself and take over you and your home.
Your dog needs to understand that you are the boss. Training is the key to establishing yourself as the boss. Repeating the same words and phrases every day will help. Making training sessions the big event of the day will cement that understanding.
When giving obedience lessons your choice of training equipment can make the difference in a successful outcome. For example, the dumbbell is the tool used to help your dog understand the fetch command. Reviewing each new command until it becomes a habit is the way to help your dog retain the skill.
If you are working with a puppy give lessons of short duration for the first six months. That strategy is to help keep your pup enthusiastic about the lesson. Other common mistakes are expecting too much too soon, working off-leash, and stopping the obedience lessons after a short course.
Your dog is like a teenager and will continually test you up to two years of age. You may have worked very hard on a particular lesson, and it appears your dog cannot understand it. But do not give up. I have found just when I am ready to throw in the towel my dog suddenly performs that lesson perfectly.
Dogs have a special gift that is unique to their species. They are born with an innate desire to please. No food is necessary to accomplish lessons. Rewards of dog biscuits are suggested only for housebreaking and crate-training. In all other instances, dogs will work their hearts out for the big prize of hearing the words good dog. Showing your dog what you want and praising when he performs well is the way to best help your dog.
In conclusion, construct and continue a daily schedule which includes a walk. Teach your dog words and obedience needed for communication. The most helpful thing you could do for your dog as he grows older is a daily 10 minute basic obedience session. This is because lesson time is when your dog has 100 per cent of you. Your complete focus on him is what your dog craves. It seems little to give for so much to receive from your dog in terms of affection and loyalty.
posted by
4/05/2008 07:07:00 AM
labels: Dog Articles
How To Hand Rear Puppies
By: James Hunaban
When a bitch is unable to rear her family a foster-mother should be obtained if possible. Failing this, the litter must be raised by hand. It is an arduous and exhausting business, but there is no reason why such methods should not succeed if the owner is willing to sacrifice time and sleep. More than one champion has been reared by hand.
An especially rich full-cream baby milk food should be used (a good one is "Humanised Trufood"). This, during feeding, should be kept standing in a basin of hot water to maintain blood heat. It should be mixed to the consistency of condensed milk and then slightly thinned to resemble very rich, creamy cow's milk. Add medicinal glucose (one salt spoonful per puppy for small breeds) and give a teaspoonful or more of the mixture to each puppy, using an old-fashioned medicine dropper with a rubber bulb.
It is best to feed each puppy on a covered hot water-bottle; they like to push at it with their feet while drinking. Open the puppy's mouth, put the dropper in and feed slowly, allowing time for the little thing to swallow and breathe. He may protest at first but will quickly learn to enjoy it. Be careful not to give too much. The puppies should be fed every two hours during the day and every three hours at night. After ten days the night feeds are cut down to one at midnight, one at 4 a.m., and one at 8 a.m. After a fortnight there is no need to feed at night at all. Crooke's halibut emulsion {not the halibut oil)the emulsion is specially prepared for infants and can be mixed with milk) is excellent and should be added to the feeds from two drops twice daily for each puppy.
The puppies must be kept very warm and if the dam is able to keep them clean so much the better, otherwise the abdomen should be gently rubbed in a circular action until the bowels have acted, and the puppies kept clean with cottonwool dipped in a mild antiseptic and carefully dried with dry cottonwool. A dusting with boracic powder on abdomen and rear completes the process. At three weeks scraped raw meat can be given, as with the normally reared puppy.
Hand-reared puppies usually thrive if kept very warm and fed regularly and punctually. Keep all utensils, medicine dropper and similar articles scrupulously clean, just as you would do for a human baby.
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posted by
3/19/2008 09:53:00 AM
labels: Dog care
Pet Health Questions - 15 Things Around Your House That Can Kill Your Pet
By: Laurie Lindsay
Many common household items can pose a threat to your pets. Even some items specifically meant for pets could cause health problems. To protect your pet, simply use common sense and take the same precautions you would with a child.
1. Rodent poisons and insecticides are the most common sources of pet poisoning.
2. Antifreeze that contains ethylene glycol has a sweet taste that attracts animals but is deadly if consumed in even small quantities; one teaspoon can kill a seven-pound cat. The HSUS recommends pet owners use a safe antifreeze in their vehicles. Look for antifreeze that contains propylene glycol, which is safe for animals if ingested in small amounts. Ethylene glycol can also be found in common household products like snow globes, so be sure to keep these things out the reach of animals.
3. Cocoa mulch contains ingredients that can be deadly to pets if ingested. The mulch, sold in garden supply stores, has a chocolate scent that is appetizing to some animals.
4. Chemicals used on lawns and gardens, such as fertilizer and plant food, can be easily accessible and fatal to a pet allowed in the yard unsupervised.
5. Cedar and other soft wood shavings, including pine, emit fumes that may be dangerous to small mammals like hamsters and gerbils.
6. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, cats, and ferrets.
7. De-icing salts used to melt snow and ice are paw irritants that can be poisonous if licked off. Paws should be washed and dried as soon as the animal comes in from the snow. Other options include doggie boots with Velcro straps to protect Fido's feet, and making cats indoor pets.
8. Insect control products, such as the insecticides used in many over-the-counter flea and tick remedies, may be toxic to companion animals. Prescription flea and tick control products are much safer and more effective. Pet owners should never use any product without first consulting a veterinarian.
9. Fumes from nonstick cooking surfaces and self-cleaning ovens can be deadly to birds. Always be cautious when using any pump or aerosol spray around birds.
10. Human medications such as pain killers (including aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen), cold medicines, anti-cancer drugs, anti-depressants, vitamins, and diet pills can all be toxic to animals. Keep medication containers and tubes of ointments and creams away from pets who could chew through them, and be vigilant about finding and disposing of any dropped pills.
11. Leftovers such as chicken bones easily shatter and can choke a cat or dog. Other human foods to keep away from pets include onions and onion powder; alcoholic beverages; yeast dough; coffee grounds and beans; salt; macadamia nuts; tomato, potato, and rhubarb leaves and stems; avocados (toxic to birds, mice, rabbits, horses, cattle, and dairy goats); and anything with mold growing on it.
12. Poisonous household plants include azalea, geraniums, dieffenbachia (dumb cane), lilies, mistletoe, and philodendron, among others.
13. Rawhide doggie chews may be contaminated with Salmonella, which can infect pets and humans who come in contact with the chews. These kinds of chews should be offered to a pet only with supervision, as they can pose a choking hazard as well.
14. String, yarn, rubber bands, and even dental floss are easy to swallow and can cause intestinal blockages or strangulation.
15. Toys with removable parts like squeaky toys or stuffed animals with plastic eyes can pose a choking hazard to animals. Take the same precautions with pets as you would with a small child.
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posted by
3/18/2008 03:23:00 AM
labels: Dog Articles, Dog care
All Natural Dog Food
By: Laurie Lindsay
Many pet owners these days are opting to shift away from commercial dog foods and towards all natural dog food, often of the homemade variety. It's not as hard as many think to move to a natural homemade alternative diet for your pet. You should consult your veterinarian prior to making changes in your dog's diet. Your vet is a good source for your pet's specific nutritional needs; they are familiar with your dog's medical history and can make you aware of any special needs your dog may have for supplements, and inform you if there's anything that should be avoided.
Vegetables may be added to your pets diet if you are making homemade food for your dog. This is not only economical, but healthy. Crush or blend vegetables before adding however, otherwise your dog will be unable to reap the nutrients of the vegetables. The reason for this is that unlike humans, dogs are unable to break down cellulose and thusly need their veggies pre-pulped.
Fresh meats should be a major ingredient in a homemade all natural dog food program. Start your dog with lean meats such as chicken. Organ meats may be added later in moderation; a high fat diet is no better for your dog than for you. Be sure to cook meats before giving them to your pet. Although your dog will certainly be willing to eat raw meat, cooking it will destroy potentially harmful bacteria that could cause health problems.
Keep your dog's diet balanced. This is key to any diet plan, whether for a human or for the family dog. Typically, a dog's diet should be comprised of a ratio of 40% protein, 30% starch and 30% fiber. Again, consult with your veterinarian. They can help you figure out a plan for an all natural dog food plan that works optimally for your dog. Your veterinarian may also be able to point you towards resources to help you plan a healthy diet for your dog, as well as having valuable advice about what supplements your dog may require.
One good piece of preparation for switching your dog to a homemade diet is to look through websites on the topic (and there are many to be found). These sites often feature recipes for your pet, as well as containing a wealth of information from other dog owners who have already made the switch to all natural dog food.
Feeding all natural will greatly reduce the physical and mental speed of premature aging in our pets, associated with a lifetime of poor nutrition. Several degenerative diseases, such as cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, arthritis, skin problems, bowel problems (such as Pancreatitis), and even diabetes have been found to either be hurried up or slowed down very much by what is eaten. Please keep in mind that by also feeding a properly put-together home-made or raw diet will provide these same benefits, and more!
You should also be aware that feeding an all natural or holistic diet can actually save you money in the long run. So your dog benefits and so do you.
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posted by
3/12/2008 01:29:00 AM
labels: Dog Foods
How To Treat Your Pets Skin Condition
By: John Howard
Skin ailments in animals are caused due to a wide variety of factors which could be both internal and external. Fortunately though there are various drugs available to treat these conditions. Some of the popular ones among them are Dermaxol, VetlonX, DermalonX and Aniscratch Canine. This apart there are several other drugs that are available in the market to treat skin conditions in animals. Although this is the case the most popular among all these drugs is Dermaxol.
The reasons for the popularity of Dermaxol are not hard to find by. For one it does not contain chemical ingredients, unlike in the case of other drugs such as Dermalon X and Aniscratch Canine. Dermaxol is actually a mineral complex that has been specifically designed to eliminate skin conditions in animals effectively and safely. The all-natural formula ensures that the skin conditions are eliminated from the root level, while also ensuring that there no negative side effects.
The natural formula of the drug works by enhancing skin cell regeneration. The natural ingredients consist of essential nutrients which are easily absorbed. This is the reason for the positive skin cell regeneration in animals when Dermaxol is used. The drug is also very effective when it comes to eliminating toxins from the body of animals. Cell detoxification is something that the drug does very effectively. The drug ensures that the detoxified cells also repair the affected cells on the skin.
Dermaxol promotes effective cellular hydration. This is an important function that none of the other drugs perform. Research has clearly shown that dehydration is one of the major reasons for skin conditions. It is for this reason that cellular hydration is considered very important, particularly in the case of animals. Zinc is one of the important ingredients in the drug. This essential mineral works as an antibiotic which helps in wound healing. Zinc also helps in tissue regeneration and inflammation control. Silica is yet another natural ingredient present in this drug formulation. Silica helps in the regeneration of the skin and also the vascular walls. It does so by taking part in the synthesis of the collagen and elastin.
You can find a noticeable difference on your pets when you use Dermaxol in a matter of a few days. In fact there have been many instances when customers have reported changes within a day or two. Such is the effectiveness of the drug when compared to the other drugs available in the market. The effectiveness factor along with the fact that there are no negative side effects associated with the drug make Dermaxol it the preferred choice of customers.
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3/12/2008 01:26:00 AM
labels: Dog Skin
Dog Health And Obstructions In The Digestive System
Obstructions in the dogs body are quite common in many pets especially dogs, and its not uncommon for a pet owner to find this problem reoccurring many times in a dogs life caused by many different situations.
An obstruction in the digestive system of your dog can be a very painful experience and may cause bout of quite serious retching, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is caused as the dog tries to release the foreign body from blocking the flow of the digestive system.
The digestive system obstruction is most commonly caused by stones that the dog swallows when playing fetch or just being curious around the garden or on walks. When they swallow stones or any other offending objects for that matter, it many become stuck in the tubes above the stomach where the dog will find it difficult to breath and wretch a lot, or it may flow down into the stomach and intestines where its possible it will get stuck and cause a very painful blockage while all the waste will start to compress behind the it and make for your dog to strain to pass feces or move the blockage.
In some cases the object or stone swallowed will be too large to move from the stomach and it will become blocked occasionally on the passage down in to the intestines, this cases infrequent spurts of pain as the dog tries to break down and move the object from the stomach into the intestines as normal, then as the dog moves it will free up again and the pain will temporarily disappear until the same happens again up to 2 days later at most.
Of course when you fear that this may be the problem you should report it to your vet as soon as possible. They will then undertake many different tests in hope to find the situation of the blockage and feel for foreign bodies so they can treat the symptoms accordingly. This treatment is normally to make sure the object will not free itself and then enter the dog's body through surgery to remove the unwanted object safely so the dog can resume normal life and dog health again.
Although the above treatment is normally only needed with larger objects in the dogs digestive system, it shows the extent of this condition so if you suspect this problem and the symptoms are their then its always best to inform you vet about the situation so they can asses what needs to be done next.
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posted by
3/11/2008 06:20:00 AM
labels: Dog Health
Treating Your Pet's Skin Condition
Dermaxol, Canine Dermal Support, Wounded Warrior and King Bio are different herb based medicines that are used to treat common skin problems that appear on your pet's skin. As these medicines do not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your pet, you can experiment these tropical medicines safely on your pet without worrying about the side effects.
All these medicines that come under the category of non prescription medicines do not require prescription for you to buy them from the local drug dealer.
The manufacturers of Wounded Warrior claim that this medicine is effective for treating acne, burns, cuts, rashes, insects bites, sun burn, bee stings, open sores, warts, psoriasis and poison ivy appear on pets skin. The ingredients that are used to make this ointment include Witch Hazel, Goldenseal, Gotu Kola, White Cedar, Comfrey Leaf and Lobelia.
'Pet Skin Irritational' from King Bio also is a tropical medicine with no side effects. To apply this medicine you will have to hold it close to the mouth of the pet and spray it into the pet's mouth directly from the bottle. The inconvenience of using a spraying pump discourages many to experiment with "Pets Skin Irritational" to treat skin aliments that appear on pets.
Canine Dermal Support is a whole natural supplement is meant for providing skin health from within the body of the pet. The ingredients of this medicine include Bovine Liver, L-Glutamine, Emblica Officinalis, defatted wheat germ, alfalfa juice, Black current juice etc. Though the ingredients in this medicine seem to be good in promoting overall health of the skin, it fails to address specific skin diseases such as rashes, burns and infections to provide an effective cure to them.
Dermaxol from MicroNutra Health seems to be very effective in remedying various types of skin ailments that appear on the skin of pets. The manufacturer of Dermaxol promises effective and speedy cure from the skin diseases including sores, cuts, burns, rashes, eczema and from various other infection that are common in pets.
The ingredients of Dermaxol themselves constitute a guarantee to the effectiveness of it. Regular use of Dermaxol is good to improve the skin cell generation of your pet. Dermaxol will also help to eliminate toxins from the body of the pet. The ingredients that help to maintain your pet's skin in a healthy condition include Zinc, Sulphur, Silica and other ionic and trace elements. The perfect combination of all these ingredients in to a single formula makes Dermaxol a great herbal supplement to treat skin ailments in pets.
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posted by
3/08/2008 11:55:00 PM
labels: Dog Skin
Diarrhea In Dogs And The Best Ways To Get Your Dogs Health Back To Normal
Dog diarrhea can be a very troubling time for your dog and the many reasons for these conditions can be overwhelming and complicated for anyone owning a dog suffering from this health scare. Although most of the causes of dog diarrhea and vomiting are almost always harmless and can be cured easily helping you dog get back to full health within 2-3 days, it is always a good idea to visit you vet to make sure it is nothing more serious than first thought.
Commonly the reason for this illness is due to food intolerance or poisoning, or as we would say an 'upset stomach'. This is basically when your dog eats something that is unfamiliar to the dog's normal tastes and causes the dog's body to reject the food in the form of vomiting or diarrhea, leaving you canine friend to feel extremely ill and not wanting to eat in most cases. In this case it is not because the food is poisoning the dog, but rather that the dog's stomach is not used to that type of flavour and food.
The other common cause is food poisoning which is caused by eating something that is harmful or can be harmful for the dog, often this is due to your dog eating or liking something up along a walk, or tasting substances that have a sweet taste and smell such as some household cleaners, or spilt screen wash or de-icer accidentally spilt on yours or someone else's drive.
The symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting are often a big clue to your vet where the cause is situated in the digestive system of the dog. If the dog only vomits then it s probable that the problem is in the stomach and not moved any further down yet, if the symptoms are both vomiting and diarrhea then it is probable that the causes is beginning to move further down the system or is in both the upper and lower sections of the digestive system, and finally if only diarrhea is seen then it will normally be in the lower digestive system or intestines.
As with all conditions affecting your dog you should always keep a close eye on your dog and take them to the vet if you suspect anything suspicious. From here you vet will normally stop the food your dog is eating for twenty four hours to allow the system to flush out, then ease them back onto solid food in gradual stages increasing the amount of flavour given gradually.
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posted by
3/08/2008 11:54:00 PM
labels: Dog Diseases
Keep your Dog Healthy with Vaccinations
When owning a dog, you need to be sure to keep up to date with the vaccinations for your furry friend.
Vaccinations are important to help keep your pet in the best of heath. The vaccinations for puppies and full grown dogs are a bit different but very important none the less.
Puppies that are at least 6 to 8 weeks of age need to get to DHLPPC vaccinations. These vaccinations are done over a period of time, usually over a three to four week period until they're 16 weeks of age.
Once the puppy is 16 weeks of age, rabies vaccinations and immunizations are then recommended annually. When the shots are done in a series this is also called booster shots.
Puppies need a booster shots to help build their immunity. When puppies are firstborn they get their immunity from their mothers when they nurse. Once they stop nursing the immunity declines and that is where the booster shots come in handy.
The senior dogs are not as susceptible to getting distemper or parvo so your vet may recommend that they get this vaccination every other year. It is still good to take your dog in yearly for a checkup.
You need to be sure to get your dog checked regularly to make sure they're showing no signs of kidney disease or cancer. The earlier you catch things such as these, the better off your dog's chance of survival is.
The combo vaccination called the DHLPPC, covers a number of diseases in one shot.
The D stands for distemper, the H stands for hepatitis or adenovirus-2, L. stands were leptospirosis, the P stands for parainfluenza, the other P stands for parvovirus and the C stands for corona virus. This is a great vaccination to get for your dog is it covers the many illnesses in one injection.
Another type of vaccination that you may get for your dog is Bordetella. It is also known as kennel cough, which is a respiratory infection in dogs.
While it's not a fatal infection it can be hard to get rid of. It can spread fast through boarding and grooming places such as animal shelters or even a vet's office. They can do this vaccination in one of two ways. The first being nasal spray and a second and injection.
If you do the injection then you need to get a booster at one month after the date of the first one.
Unfortunately dogs have to deal with tick problems. Ticks can cause Lyme disease it if you live in an area where there is a lot of woods around then you need to be cautious of the tick problems.
The Lyme vaccine would be a vaccine that you want to get for your dog to protect him or her from Lyme disease.
There is a parasite that lives in the intestines and can be passed from the fecal matter from infected animals. That parasite is called Giardia. Dogs can become infected with this parasite by drinking contaminated water.
Many people don't realize that they can also be infected. The vaccination for Giardia is a good one for dogs that are outdoors a lot.
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posted by
3/01/2008 09:40:00 AM
labels: Dog Health
Teacup Shih Tzu - Look Before You Buy
Teacup Shih Tzu dogs are also called "imperial Shih Tzu" and "tiny teacup". These are the little bitty dogs in small sizes. The terms "imperial" or "teacup" are used interchangeably by some breeders. Also some breeders use "imperial" for the smallest dogs in the 3 to 5 pound category and "teacup" for slightly larger dogs in the 5 to 6 pound size.
These dogs exist because there is a demand for them. You know why you are interested in these small dogs. The size is cute and all that attitude in a small package is part of the appeal. The story is that the smaller dog is truly a descendant of the dogs from the Chinese Royal Palace, thus the "imperial" description. So the idea is that these are truly the descendants of the royal lines.
Fact is, the official American Kennel Club and the American Shih Tzu Club standards call for a weight of 9 to 16 pounds. The breed is classified as a Toy breed and is already a small dog when bred to the breed standard. Also this standard weight matches closely the weight of the standard dog as described by the Peking Kennel Club in 1938. The breed standard describes a rugged, stocky little dog that is small, but not at all fragile.
So, the really tiny teacup dogs do not meet the breed standard and are really a fad dog created to please a market looking for a dog that is not really a Shih Tzu. Now that would be OK as long as the dog itself is not harmed by this move. But in fact breeding for extreme small size can be harmful to the dogs in several ways. Consider how you can develop an extremely small dog in a short period of time.
To get a really small dog quickly, there are only a couple of choices. The first is to select as parents the smallest dogs available and breed those dogs. Then continue selecting for small dogs over a period of time in subsequent matings. The problem with this approach is that if size is the main selection criteria, other traits will be ignored. This usually results in health problems because your unbalanced selection methods will almost always end up breeding unhealthy dogs simply because they are small. A dog can be small and healthy or an unhealthy runt with physical problems. Also tiny female dogs struggle with birthing and have very small litters usually.
Another approach is to breed a standard size Shih Tzu to a small dog of another breed. This may produce a smaller healthy dog but the dog will lack some of the characteristics of the parents. Also any offspring of the crossbred dogs will show great variation in characteristics. You will not get offspring like the parents.
The standard Shih Tzu is a robust, balanced small dog. They are healthy, active dogs with good form and strength. Be careful if you choose a tiny teacup dog. It may be better to choose a different breed if you want a truly tiny pet dog.
Al Bullington has experience with all kinds of pets including an independent little Shih Tzu named Annie. Would you like more tips on Shih Tzu dogs?
Please visit and get more free resources.
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posted by
2/13/2008 05:23:00 AM
labels: Dog buying
Stop Your Dog Chasing Rabbits, Deer Or Birds - Information & Tips To Train Your Dog
Does your dog disappear in a cloud of dust after a rabbit? Does he leave you standing while he runs off into the distance after a deer? Do you lose him in the woods when its pheasant season?
You are not alone!!
Many owners find themselves in the incredibly frustrating position of screaming their recall commands after a dog that is disappearing from view in hot pursuit of some fast moving object, usually something small and furry! I get a lot of owners when they contact me say 'My dog's recall is very good until we see a rabbit, then he ignores me' The problem is ............. this is not a recall problem!
Taking it down to bare roots basics, I know I'm not telling you anything you don't know when I say, chasing is instinctive behaviour. The difficulty we seem to have with solving this very dangerous problem, is we approach it from the wrong direction. We assume we need to teach our dogs a reliable recall, which is an option and will sometimes provide you with the solution you need. What I have found to be a more powerful approach however, is to train for something that is more likely to match the level of value the dog has toward chasing.
Lets look at it from your dog's point of view. He LOVES to chase things! He doesn't just enjoy it, it chemically affects his entire physical and psychological well being and he feels great when he's doing it! He doesn't think about doing it, it just happens, in a split second, he's off and he's having the best time. Now the only analogy I can come up with to compare this to, so that we may understand the very power we are dealing with here, is to ask you to imagine trying to stop an orgasm once it's started?.......... Now I don't know about you, but I'm thinking if he's having this internal chemical reaction that is pumping adrenalin round his system and sending him into doggie orgasm, I could have steak, tuna, even a female dog on heat in my pocket and I don't think he's going to listen when I give my recall cue ......... it's just not valuable enough to make him want to stop what he is doing. Chase rabbit = Total Adrenalin Rush OR Return to Mum .. .. .. .. .. mmmmmm No Contest!
This is what makes this behaviour one of the most dangerous there is! If we can't do something about the chasing behaviour, we place our wonderful dogs at serious risk to themselves. They run blind, they will run straight across a road if that's where the 'prey' leads them, they will keep going until they get lost, they can damage limbs, split paws and cause serious injury to themselves and other people.
So I think we agree, for our dogs, chasing is great, they love it, they can't help but do it, it is almost the best fun a dog can have! But we have to stop it ......... so what can we do about it!
As with recall training, in order to stop your dog from chasing things, it is important to 'tell him' you would like him to do something other than chase them. I know that sounds obvious, but you have to train your dog to respond to you reliably in a certain set of circumstances in order for it to actually be a strong behavioural response when you need it to be. It's no good waiting for your dog to chase something, then trying to train him not to (reactive training), you have to be proactive and educate him before these events happen, teach him that instead of chasing the rabbit / deer / pheasant you would like him to do something else, and here's the biggie, that something else has to be as close to being equally valuable to him as you can make it, otherwise he's going to choose the chase!
- Prevent your dog from being able to chase as much as possible. If there are areas on your walks where you regularly come across small furries, get your dog back before you reach this area and put him back on a lead or training line for a short while. If you do see anything, you can then use the opportunity to practise your training under controlled circumstances.
- Decide which technique / techniques you want to use to train your dog not to chase things and practise them every day when you are out on your walks. (This behaviour is so powerful you have to continually keep the opposing behaviour you would like to happen, very fresh in your dogs mind, if you only practise once a week, chasing will win every time in your dog's decision making process)
- It is important that you train your dog 'to do' something other than chasing, rather than training him to 'stop' chasing. It is more powerful and successful (for dogs and humans!) when we teach them to do something in place of whatever it is we want them to stop doing,. The brain responds quicker and stronger to a 'doing' message (positive) than a 'stop doing' message (negative)
- Set up situations and create distractions that you can use to practise your training.
- As with all training, it will be more successful if you start with low value distractions to embed the behaviour, then build up to the 'mega' ones.
Find out how you can live in complete understanding with your dog, communicate with him effectively and have him choose to behave the way you would like.
Catch up with my articles here and at for more educational material on how to live an extraordinary life with your beloved dogs.
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posted by
2/13/2008 05:22:00 AM
labels: Dog training
Why Feed Your Dog A Raw Diet?
Because of the many dangers of feeding commercial pet foods, many are turning to other alternatives. One of these alternatives is Raw Feeding.
Why should you feed your dog a raw diet? To begin with feeding your dog raw meat is healthier. What is called Raw Feeding or The BARF Diet by the savvy crowd is much healthier for your dog.
Here are a few great reasons for feeding dogs and puppies a raw diet dog food:
1. By feeding processed dog food, most dogs experience periodontal disease within 4 years. When feeding your dog raw dog food, periodontal disease is practically not existent.
Periodontal disease is where bacteria is allowed to enter through the mouth due to unclean teeth and cause numerous health problems.
2. Dogs perform best on a raw diet. High performance dogs, such as greyhounds and sled dogs, have been fed raw diets and shown an increase in their performance levels. No wonder pet owners are turning to a raw diet in order to see an increased benefit of better health in their companions. Feeding artificial processed diets have resulted in many dangerous health issues, not even including the pet food crisis. That is another issue altogether.
3. By feeding a raw diet, your dog will not experience the obesity found when feeding a commercial diet. Dogs become more fit and energetic on raw fed diets. Many owners and breeders feeding raw have found improved coat conditions, reduced coat loss, and leaner, healthier overall condition in their dogs.
4.Allergies disappear.
5. Arthritis is reduced significantly or even totally disappears.
6. Gone is the dog odor.
7. Longer life span than commercially fed dogs.
8. Pregnant females show less problems.
9. Puppies show better weight and health.
10. Raw feeding is less expensive.
11. Vet visits are less frequent.
12. There is little to no preparation.
13. Ease of shopping. All meats can be found at your local grocery store or a meat packing plant.
Once adjusted to a raw diet your dog will love it!
So, what is stopping you from trying the healthiest dog food diet you can feed your dog? Even if you only substitute part of your dog food with raw meaty bones, or even small bites of raw food, your dog will be healthier because of it.
Do your own research into this alternative path to a healthier, happier dog by reading up more on Raw Feeding.
Karen has been training dogs for over 35 years. She's also helped others learn to train their own dogs. Karen manages several dog web sites to benefit dog owners. Visit for more great info at
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posted by
2/13/2008 05:20:00 AM
labels: Dog Foods
Bad Dog Food: The Rise of Cancer in Dogs
By: Darren Craddock
They say that dogs are a man's best friend.
It's true, isn't it? There is nothing better than waking up to slobbery kisses first thing in the morning, or getting jumped in the excitement of you coming home to your dog. Dogs absolutely love their owners and the owner's love their dogs and whenever a dog has a serious medical issue is almost the same as having a family member or relative having a serious medical issue. Some medical issues in dogs are extremely similar to the ones people have, and one that is on the rise is cancer.
Bad Dog food not bad dog
Cancer is more prevalent in dogs these days than ever. Believe it or not, the current rate of cancer in dogs is much higher than it is in humans. It's commonly known that part of the problem is when the majority of dog owners switched to kibble as opposed to natural food.
There are several factors that can go into why dogs are getting cancer. The least controllable one is genetics. If the parents of the dog or any dog in the family line have had cancer that means the dog is more susceptible to getting it, just like in humans. The environment can affect this as well, if dogs are around a lot of smoke or pollution.
You are what you eat - even if you are a dog
Then of course, their nutrition and diet is a huge part of keeping a dog healthy in general. This is the one we have the most control over. It's important, just like us, to have healthy eating habits. Yes, it's easier to just scoop a cup of kibble or dry dog food into their bowl and let them eat, but it's not always the best thing.
Consulting with a nutritionist that specifically deals with animals is the best way to see what kind of nutritional options that is out there. There are even herbal and vitamin supplements that can help give your pet the nutrition they need. It's understandable that feeding a dog steak every night is out of the question, no matter how much the dog would love it.
Of course not all dry food is the same for your dog but if you don't do your research you could really be harming your dog. Just like keeping your body healthy, keeping your dog healthy is a great way to keep them happy, and in turn having them around longer will make you happy as well. Exercise everyday, along with proper feeding habits is a great way to battle a potential thread of the ever-increasing cancer in dogs.
Article Source:
Tom Peters is a dog lover and owner of Birkdale Medicinals. He created a healthier dog food and herbal supplement line after losing his beloved Banjo to cancer. Keep your dog healthy with a pet mix created for"> dog health with"> Organic pet food
posted by
2/12/2008 07:37:00 PM
labels: Dog Foods
Secrets of Socializing Your Dog!
By: Annette Phillips
Socializing is always a big issue with dog owners. There are a variety of views on socialization, but after breeding and raising dogs for over 15 years I can say that the earlier they are socialized the more confident and reliable they will be in any situation. Just by making sure dogs are exposed to a variety of situations in a positive way can increase success with socialization.
Socialization should start ideally before the pup is even weaned. A responsible breeder will make sure pups are handled regularly and exposed to a variety of activities. It may not be possible to take them out and about town if there are quite a few pups, but it is still possible to handle them and let them hear household noises such as vacuum cleaners, blenders, etc. If you are talking with a breeder about purchasing a puppy you should question them about how they socialize their puppies before they sell them.
Once you bring your dog home, whether it is full grown or whether it is a puppy you should allow it to experience everything you will normally (or even occasionally) be exposed to when the dog is with you. For those who live in the city exposing them to the noise of traffic and many varieties of people early on is the key to having a dog that is free of fear. Introduce these things gradually and make every new experience a fun one for your dog.
Encourage your dog to climb stairs, ride elevators (if you will ever have to do that with your dog), and even take your dog for rides in the car to fun places. Your dog should ride in the car to do fun things especially if you use the car for trips to the vet. Most dogs will not enjoy a visit to the vet and will start to be difficult about riding in the car if that is the only place they ever go in the car.
If your dog shows fear it is your responsibility to demonstrate that there is no need for fear. Ensure that every new situation is a positive experience. The more experiences your dog has, especially at a young age the more likely he is to face new situations with interest instead of fear. Your dog will be comfortable in any situation once you have taken the steps to properly socialize him.
Article Source:
Annette Phillips Annette has 15 years experience in dog training & breeding. She is the owner of ACE Barkery which offers top of the line dog treats at reasonable prices. She offers a free newsletter including tips for dog training & keeping your dog healthy and happy.
posted by
2/12/2008 07:35:00 PM
labels: Dog Articles, Dog care
Dog Commands - How To Use The 'Good Boy Command'
Before I begin, the 'good boy' name is only an example for ease of writing in this article and 'good girl' or any other words of praise may be used in place of 'good boy' throughout this article.
The god boy command is not so much a command as a general consistent learning or rewarding exercise, the aim of this exercise is to get your dog to associate 'good boy' with times when he has done something well and is rewarded, this will make your dog happy and glad that they have done good for you.
A lot of dog breeds actually enjoy performing tasks for their owner and it's what they are used to and aim to achieve, these dogs are generally dog with a working background and breed past, such as sheepdogs and collies, this makes the good boy command a lot more rewarding for them and a good reason to perform well.
This exercise can be taught as soon as you get your puppy for the best effects and progress or dog and can be a natural reaction to good behavior by many already, also making the command easier to remember and be consistent with.
The good boy command is easy and is taught along with rewards you give your dog, if your dog behaves well you should praise them to get them to do the same command again, this is common sense in dog training and the 'good boy' command only ads to this so you are able to give your dog a different, emotional type of praise on the rare occasions when you haven't got treats on your person or to hand (although not recommended but it does happen).
So when your dog behaves well and has deserved a treat or other form of reward, recite 'good boy' to them in an excited and impressed voice and give your dog cuddles and love. This over time will be seen as another form of reward that means just as much to your dog as treats do.
The good boy command gives more emotion to your rewards and gives your dog a new form of praise to aim for thus enhancing the relationship and emotion between you and your dog, making this a very important command or reward not only for getting the dog to act correctly but also to create a much stronger bond between owner and dog.
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posted by
2/12/2008 04:35:00 AM
labels: Dog care, Dog training
The Best Dog Food For Your friend
By: Thomas Henricks
Walking the isles, you will find a wide choice of dog food available in supermarkets and pet supplies today. This can make it difficult to decide which is the best dog food for your best friend. This may be one of the most commonly asked questions by pet owners when they take their dogs to their veterinarian. The answer really is not definitive.
There really is not one "best" that is suitable for all gogs across the board. The answer can be narrowed down by looking at each dog. Dogs are very much like people. Some dogs are extremely active to the point that they are often labelled hyper. Some dogs are built big and tough and some small and delicate. Each will need a diet tailored specifally to that dog's physical needs. However, understanding what determines those needs will help you to determine what the best dog food is for your pet.
The First Component
The first primary difference in dog food relates to the raw materials that are used to provide the nutritional value. You will notice that commercial dog foods are either grain-based or meat-based. Most experts will agree that the best dog food to maintain healthy dogs (who don't have heart or kidney problems) is a meat-based food.
Meat-based dog foods are considered the option due to the fact that their digestive system more easily extracts the nutrient value from the food source. It is common knowledge that protein is a necessary component in the diet of all dogs. Meat based dog foods typically are very high in protein. While meat based dog foods are produced from lamb, turkey, fish, beef and venison, many professionals in the field feel that chicken-based dog foods are the best choice.
Basic Guide
As notednpreviously, no single dog food can be rated the best for all dogs. There are a few things to specifically look for when selecting your dog's food. These components found in the appropriate ratio will ensure that your pet is getting the required source of nutrition from their food. As with people food, dog food will display nutrition labels that provide information about the nutrient value that can be expected from that product. These labels will provide the information you need to dtermine which is the best dog food for your pet.
When reading the nutritional value analysis, pay attention to the amount of protein contained in the dog food. For most dogs this value should be at least 30 per cent. In addition be sure to look at the fat percentage as well. The food should contain at least 18 per cent fat. This number may vary according to several factors. Older dogs or overweight dogs may require food that provides lower fat levels. These issues can be manged simply by selecting a product with lower fat in the source. Other components you should look for would include Vitamin E, the presence of Vitamin C, and the presence of Omega 3 fatty acids.
Food for Health and Happiness
The best dog food for your dog ultimately rests on the evaluation of your particular dog's needs. The key thing to consider is that you ensure that your dog is getting the appropriate amount of nutrients. You may want to consult with your veterinarian for more professional advice about a healthy choice for your dog. That will help you determine what is the best dog food to meet your needs.
Article Source:
Tom Henricks is a retired utility worker and charter fisherman from The Canadian of Shore of Lake Erie. For more information about Petfood please visit Petfood Tips and Info
posted by
2/11/2008 09:36:00 AM
labels: Dog Foods
Dog Diarrhea Symptoms and Causes
Dog diarrhea is one of the more common of conditions in the dog world and in the human world alike; the reason for this is because there are so many causes of diarrhea. It can be a dreadful condition for your dog to have and causes a lot of unwanted aggravation for the canine involved as well as increasing the risk of having unwanted accidents on carpets and furniture around the house.
There can be many causes for diarrhea but the most common is due to intolerances to a particular food, this is normally because of a change in diet or the dog having a particular food that they have not had before. Diarrhea can also be caused by other conditions like objects stuck in the digestive system or several other conditions derived or caused by problems in the digestive system of the dog.
The symptoms of this can be many things but diarrhea is normally coupled with your dog vomiting or retching this is because the digestive system of the dog begins at the mouth and ends at the anus as you might think, if the problem causing the diarrhea is in the stomach or upper intestines then the effects may be vomiting as well as or without diarrhea. This coincidently also acts as a way of finding the condition to help the vet. And if the problem is in the lower intestines then the symptoms will most probably be diarrhea only, but there may be other causes and this is not a confirmation to the vet that the problem is in the lower part of the digestive system.
From this situation there are many different ways that may work to improve and cure the health problems and diarrhea that your dog may be feeling. The first that is usually performed by the veterinarian in question is changing the dog's diet so that no food is given to the dog for at least twenty four hours so the body has enough time to clear all the offending substances within so the dog's body can return to normal. After this the dog should then be put on a very bland diet of and put gradually onto a more flavoured diet to avoid the same problem again.
All the information in this article is only a guideline as you may have guessed and if your dog is having serious diarrhea the vet should be contacted for a proper check-up and diagnosis of he condition in hand.
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For more information on Dog Diarrhea or Dog Health take a look at this Dog Training website.
posted by
2/11/2008 09:33:00 AM
labels: Dog Diseases, Dog Health
Remote Dog Training Collar
We are all aware that the best dogs are those that are disciplined, happy and healthy. Pet owners most especially invest in training their dogs for them to realize their fullest potential as pets. At the least, your pet should learn the basic works such as stay, sit, down, and come.
If you are a pet owner, you most likely know by now of the many dog training tools out there which facilitate easier training. Things such as collars, leashes, treats and clickers are most basic and most popular ones. However, a lot of dog owners and professional trainers have been moving forward to advanced training devices which are proven a lot more effective. These advanced devices guarantee well-trained dogs in half the time. One of the most popular training tools proven to work a lot better than the aforementioned ordinary devices are electronic remote training collars.
What do these remote training collars do? To start with, remote training allows you to control your dog even from a distance. These modern collars operate using a handheld transmitter and an electronic collar that is remotely connected via radio frequency. When the transmitter is pressed, your dog will feel a harmless electrical signal.
You can use remote training collars to teach your dog virtually all obedience commands. They are a great substitute to ordinary collars with leashes, muzzles, vests, and other traditional training tools we know. With these electronic collars, you can easily train your dog to be well-behaved, disciplined, yet healthy and happy at the same time.
How is these possible? As mentioned before remote training collar system works similar to a collar and a leash, but offers a lot more. As a matter of fact, its main benefit is that it offers pet owners the capability to control your pet even if he is off leash. This simply means that your dog is free to happily explore areas you choose and do as he please. If he is heading somewhere or doing something undesirable, all it takes is a press of a button to stop him immediately. Even without the leash, you will be able to tell your dog that he is heading the wrong way, or doing something not nice. With constant persistence, your pet will eventually realize the difference between right from wrong and behave well.
Remote training systems are just as effective in teaching your pet to control barking and biting. When he is noisily barking or threatening to bite, a simple press of a button instantly make him stop. In addition, using remote collars, you can easily tell your dog everytime he misbehaves. In time, your dog will know how to behave properly anywhere. You can then bid farewell to usual untrained pet owner problems and pride yourself for owning a well-behaved, adorable dog.
Remote dog training collars can be used wherever you want to go. Whether you are out playing in the garden, taking a leisurely walk in the park or in the car, an electronic collar is an effective way to make sure that your pet is in his best self all the time.
Your dog and you both deserve only the best. For more useful tips in rearing the best dog, visit now.
posted by
2/09/2008 12:34:00 AM
labels: Dog training
Emergency First Aid For Dogs With A Snakebite
By: Jeff Clare
All animals are creatures of instinct and your dog is no exception. In spite of this some instincts have left dogs, creating situations where an owner needs to step in. With at least fifteen thousand years of domestication, many of the base instincts for survival have fallen by the wayside, making dogs more careless than their wild brethren and one such case is that of snake bites.
Knowing what to do in the event of a snake bite is especially important, as estimates show around 15,000 pets being bitten by snakes a year. A little research into the types of poisonous snakes in your area will help you immensely, since knowing the species of snake that bit your dog will be absolutely vital information for any treatment.
It will also save you the trouble of getting professional care for your dog if you can tell a poisonous snake from a non-poisonous one. If you're not familiar with the local serpents, try to notice what the snake looked like so you can relay the information to a veterinarian. Naturally, if the snake isn't poisonous, it's not a medical emergency.
Most of the time, a dog will startle a snake and the snake will lash back, usually sinking its fangs into a dog's face or legs. Afterwards, a poisonous bite will show swelling, pain, and redness, centered on a pair of tiny puncture wounds. Other possible signs of a poisonous snake bite are labored breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, an increased pulse, and shock. If you suspect your dog has been bitten by a venomous snake because of displaying these signs, look for the paired puncture wounds on your dog's flesh.
A poisoned dog should receive professional medical attention as soon as possible. Take special care not to excite the dog as you transport it. Keeping a bitten dog calm is of utmost importance, since a heightened pulse rate moves venom through the dog's body fast. You many also have to provide artificial respiration, particularly if your dog was bitten in the face. If your dog was bitten in a leg, placing that leg below the level of the heart, with the leg pointed towards the ground on a lower level than the dog's heart, will slow the movement of the venom into the dog's body.
Most home remedies for poisonings are ineffective at best and dangerous at worst. Incisions around the bite wound won't remove the venom, nor will ice pressed against the punctures or applying a tourniquet to slow the flow of venom in the dog's body. Most of these methods, along many others not listed here that occasionally crop up in urban myths, will cause more harm to your dog than the venom, partly because venom travels in a dog's lymph, not their blood.
Rather than leave the life of your dog in the hands of urban myths and folk medicine, you can try to slow the flow of venom through your dog's body by applying light pressure above the limb with either the flat of your hand or a loosely tied piece of cloth. True it might not be much, but every little bit helps when you are trying to buy some time.
Snake bites are both dangerous and common threats to man and animals. Dogs are particularly vulnerable, especially with their lack of certain instincts. As with any emergency, maintain a cool head - you can panic later after all is said and done. You need to think clearly and be well informed to help your dog.
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posted by
2/04/2008 04:57:00 AM
labels: Dog care, Dog Health